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Top 75% of 19 partnerships with at least 15 match point sessions
Rank PairR PR Games Name
1 53.96 NR 45 Wagner, Judith - Bridges, Paul
2 53.73 53.60 100 Kelly, Michael - Gibson, Jim
3 53.18 NR 33 Meteer, James - O'hara, Thomas
4 52.90 NR 19 Guins, George - Gebhardt, Harold
5 50.27 NR 69 Brandon, Linda - Plumb, Monika
6 50.24 NR 49 Pilger, Ted - Wiese, Charles
8 48.64 NR 33 Rethorst, Janice - Jeffries, Richard
9 47.93 NR 23 Dodd, David - Sharp, Terry
10 47.80 NR 34 Jeffries, Richard - Woods, Mack
11 46.20 NR 17 Pearson, Pamela - Lambert, Suzette
12 44.79 NR 33 Oshel, Nancy - Oshel, Michael
13 42.24 NR 20 Williams, Elizabeth - Ledbetter, Nancy
14 41.27 NR 68 Strauss, Sharon - Smith, Rita