Fix It


In regards to Billy Miller’s tragic story of Mary Oshlag, he offered a solution for the many thousands of others that shared her situation.  “Perhaps a think tank can be formed to overcome the red tape involved in making medical exceptions regarding club games.”  Does the ACBL know who these players are?  Will players need to make their medical records available?


          Our philosophy has always been “players with similar Masterpoints should play against each other”.  I do not think we should make exemptions for certain players.  Let’s do it for all players, based on skill.  We need a strength-based rating system.  The main problem, some players with high Masterpoint totals may not appreciate a low rating.


          It is a technological challenge, but all players could enter events without stating their rating, or having their rating revealed.  They simply say “two session pairs” or “bracketed KO’s” or “one session swiss”.  The open pairs, gold rush pairs and I/N pairs could all be two session pairs.  The bridgemate will tell you which flights you can play in and it will ask you to select one.  The advantage to this is that players would not have to ask for special treatment.


                                                               Chris Champion

                                                                      Colorado Springs


Check this exec to see what flights your partnership can play in during the next 4 months.

Don’t worry about the fishy flight names, they can be changed.


Another Letter to the editor, received by the ACBL in April, 2018, and not printed in the Bridge Bulletin.