Pairs most underrated in the Masterpoint system

Underrate(UR) is your Pair Rating less the Pair Rating equivalent of your Masterpoints. To find this equivalent, consult the Master Point to Power Rating conversion chart. Find each partner's Masterpoints in the left column. Masterpoints are converted into Power Ratings in the right column. The Power Ratings are averaged to get the Pair Rating. Since we are more familar with Masterpoints, the results are presented in terms of Masterpoints. (PR/MP's) is your Pair Rating converted to Masterpoints, a tricky situation. Each partner's Power Rating is used. If a partner is not rated, his/her Masterpoints are converted to a Power Rating. Then the Pair Rating is split in the same ratio as the Power Ratings. The resulting splits are doubled before they are converted to Masterpoints. If a partner has no Masterpoints the pair is neither underrated or overrated.

Most underrated pairs with at least 15 games togather
Rank UR PR/MP's MP's PairR Name Rank UR PR/MP's MP's PairR Name
1 6.45 11403 1949 57.95 Hoover, Dustin - Frizzi, Madeleine 11 2.71 3104 1357 53.04 O'Neill, Paul - O'Neill, Celine
2 6.30 5945 971 55.06 Taylor, Marcia - Chess, Jean 12 2.66 384 165 45.49 Filtz, Howard - Filtz, Beverly
3 5.73 4516 686 52.38 Stephen, Bruce - Weiss, Joseph 13 2.57 670 271 46.66 Swensen, Jan - Swensen, Leslie
4 5.49 1152 263 49.54 Karambelkar, Jagannath - Karambelkar, Deepa 14 1.90 39270 12664 59.95 Lindgren, William - Hoechstetter, Constance
5 4.90 18216 3455 58.21 Metosky, Stewart - Metosky, Sandra 15 1.60 609 387 46.89 Dattel, Joan - McMullen, Carolyn
6 4.82 589 119 47.01 Kiger, Jerome - Scupham, Martha 16 1.35 1172 850 49.58 Hand, Alice - Gibson, Susan
7 4.32 2563 754 51.37 Lyon, Christine - McMullen, Carolyn 17 0.99 1171 830 49.03 Stephen, Bruce - Murphy, Michael
8 4.12 1340 540 50.27 McMullen, Carolyn - Fox, tricia 18 0.94 1899 1452 50.83 Blackburn, Sue - Hamil, Ellen
9 2.80 2914 990 50.85 Babbitt, Martha - Scheessele, Sue 19 0.28 489 449 46.30 Nathenson, Carol - Nathenson, Richard
10 2.80 32107 6598 56.61 Deckelbaum, Gordon - Rambasek, Patricia 20 0.17 104 96 41.74 Laman, David - Laman, Verna

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